Well, indeed, the time clock is ticking as indicated on the previous post titled "Second Chance". Scroll down several posts to view the background info. For those guests following our blog and other interested viewers who have inquired, the mountain in question is Mt. Hood near Portland, OR. Yesterday, my gracious and understanding boss gave me the day off to go play with the boys. And play we did! About 13 miles on the AT in North Georgia from Unicoi Gap to Tray Mt. summit and back to Unicoi Gap. Great day, slightly humid but, thankfully, somewhat overcast so not so hot. Anyway, this was the last conditioning climb prior to attempting Hood again. Weather permitting, we hope to tag the summit so my friends Dad can check off one of three remaining high points left in his personal quest.
PS. The blooming flower is a rhododendrum which is very common in North Georgia. As you can see, the blooms are just opening...a hundred feet or more below the summit they had already bloomed and fallen to the ground.